Welcome to the world of digital transformations.

We build bridges between physical and digital world.

Human first, technology second

Business doesn't exist without people. We are here to enable the digital transformation by putting human first. We invest in our clients, build partnerships and become a part of their organization, helping their business grow and succeed with technology.

Improve productivity
Keep your business reliable and secure
Innovate and grow faster
Enable remote work
Reduce complexity and additional costs
Automate the process
We always look one step further

Perform your digital transformation at one place!

Our efforts in all domains of business are always directed towards the ``turnkey`` principle. We are offering you a stress free zone of endless technological development.


ICT solutions

Many years of experience, management of complex projects, numerous references in the design and implementation are the bottom foundation in the classic ICT infrastructure for the digitization of business processes.


Cloud services

Rent servers or complete cloud services on the fastest hyperconverged cloud infrastructure in the region. HA clusters with clean NVME fields, 100Gbit interconnections, millions of IOPS…



First premium IT support in the region. For clients we act as an organic element of the company on all levels of activity, and not as an outsourcing company that only takes over some IT functions.


IOT Solutions and services

We are IoT pioneers in the region. Since the beginning of the IoT concept, we firmly believe it is one of the most important tools for the digitalization of our future. We help you with your digital transformation projects…



Manage the complete IoT digital transformation from one integral platform that is the application heart of the IoT transformation. The endless possibilities of building IoT solutions is like stacking LEGO bricks.



A revolutionary smart parking and payment system based on machine learning that sends the driver to the spot that will be free when the driver arrives, rather than the spot that is free now.